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The Weekly Comic Round Up 8/10/16

The Weekly Comic Round Up 

Civil War II: The Accused #1- This is a great standalone issue. It takes place in the middle of the Civil War madness, but it shows Daredevil at his best. When I say that I am not talking about the fighting, more about the man in the mask. Who he is and what he stands for. If you are caught up on Civil War then you need to check this one out

Marvel's Civil War II: The Accused #1 via Comixology

Superwoman #1 - I didn't know what to expect from this book, but was I surprised at how much I liked it. The entire story that is revolving around all the "Super" books is actually pretty amazing. Maybe I shouldn't be so surprised, but it is a rare thing for some many books to work so well together  yet still feel like individual stories.

Superwoman #1 via DC Digital Store

All Star-Batman #1 - Want to a read a book that is Batman being the most badass Batman he can be? That is this book. Although I will say, I am angry that I need to wait until next issue for the story to continue, it is that good.

All Star Batman #1 via DC Digital Store

New Super-Man #2 - I am not sure what I think about this book yet. I find the main character to be obnoxious, which I realize I am supposed to at this point, but at the same time there are these glimpses of what a deeper character he is. I will definitely keep reading because I feel like the payoff in this book could be huge. Plus that Chinese Bat-Man is awesome and worth the read all by himself (and yes they do actually explain why they are copying the original Justice League).

New Super-Man #2 via DC Digital Store

Detective Comics #938 - More Batman and the Bat-Family being awesome, what else do you need.

Detective Comics #938 via DC Digital Store

Wonder Woman #4 - Another great book, if you want to be ready for the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, then you better be reading this series

Wonder Woman #4 via DC Digital Store

Books I missed Due to San Diego Comic Con

Civil War II #4 - I have to say I really appreciate what Marvel is doing with Tony Stark in this series. I never like that they constantly turned him into the jerk of the Marvel universe. This series is great and it is raising some important questions about how we as a country need to think about things like national security, profiling, etc. Heavy I know, but read this book and see for yourself.

Marvel's Civil War II #4 via Comixology

Suicide Squad Rebirth #1 - a great intro to the Suicide Squad idea, especially if you haven't seen the film yet. Honestly though the best part of this book is Amanda Waller. Give me a book dedicated to just her and I will buy every issue.

Suicide Squad Rebirth #1 via DC Digital Store

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