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Star Wars and Cinco de Mayo in one Awesome Print!

This Star Wars Day you can also get in the mood 
for Cinco de Mayo!

For "Star Wars" Cinco de Mayo, illustrator Jose Emroca Flores reimagined the characters from STAR WARS with a Latin flavor for the attached. Flores said of his piece, "I imagined the buildings in Puebla were secretly spaceships that would take off in a moments notice. Mexico would also have their version of Lukas Eskywalkers, Princesa Leia and Chuey."

For more Fandango Fan Art, check out their Star Wars-inspired Day of the Dead artwork. Plus, if a Star Wars binge view is on the schedule, make sure to check out Star Wars: The Force Awakens and the rest of the Star Wars saga on FandangoNOW.
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