by Steve Tenney
Ok, so this may be a little awkward… Not like a room full of close talkers awkward, but awkward nonetheless. My name is Steve Tenney. I am an old school comics-head who has morphed into an adult with a downright zeal for comics and comics related media as well as an ASTOUNDINGLY unnatural fear of zombies. I have spent the better part of the last few weeks mercilessly chiding our mutual friend, Bryan “The Good Nerd” Scheidler, for having absolutely ZERO content related to the number one comic based television show to ever air, The Walking Dead. Now he claims that he simply doesn’t have the time to remain up to date on the show and that it is simply low on his priority list. To that I say, BALDERDASH! This show has become a national phenomenon; with record setting viewership. Surely something must be done… Well, Bryan decided to finally do something . He told this beaten down, old burn out to do it himself.
So here I am.
Starting a review blog about a show midway through its sixth season. Timely as ever, that’s why I succeed!
One more thing, this is more of a review of my thoughts on the episode than a recap. You can get a recap anywhere, but THIS… This you can only get here.
Oh yeah, this is gonna be super spoilery so turn back now if you haven’t watched the show…
So basically we have a flashback episode that informs us on how Morgan got from crazed murderbot, holed up in a makeshift armory to the hippy, peace and love, non-killing Morgan that we see currently.
So Morgan is on the move with his whole traveling circus of death. Homeboy is just wrecking piles and piles of walkers… literally. But his mobile death machine isn’t limited to walkers alone, no no. He also kills two guys who were following him. We don’t know if they were out to hurt him or not, but he CERTAINLY does the job on them. He stabs one in the throat with a spear and proceeds to strangle the other to death with his hands. Now this is entirely brutal in its own right, but it reminds us all of something, only one other man on the show has killed another living person with his hands… Rick. The two are forever tied together and now represent two sides of the same coin. See Rick also went to the super dark place but unlike Morgan, he was able to come back on his own. He may have come back a different darker version of Rick, but he came back. Morgan too eventually comes back, as we will discuss, but instead of being a darker, meaner version, he comes back a hippy… A filthy filthy hippy.
Anyways, the flashback ends with Morgan following the yellow brick road to Terminus and we all know where it goes form there…
Basically a filler episode here and not really worth the hour and half it was given. What we didn’t find out was how Glen inevitably survived (of course he survived, grow up) and what happened to Rick as the swarm approached his RV. Hopefully this will get quick resolution next week.
Well I hope you like my review of this little gem. I know I enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to leave some comments and tell Bryan how much you LOVE my article. Alrighty, welp… see ya.
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