Agents of SHIELD Episode 8
The Well
Once again Agents of SHIELD has shown that this is a show
that is getting better and better each week. This week’s episode ‘the Well’
loosely tied into Marvel’s Thor 2: The Dark World, which is in theaters now.
Before I get into why this episode was great and what we have to look forward
to I need to address the complaints about the show not ‘standing on its own’.
Last night, our Agents were dealing with a whole mess of
Asgardian fallout. Initially, our gang is cleaning up Thor’s mess from the
climax of The Dark World. The team actually feels like a team here; they are
comfortable with each other and making jokes. The cheekiness is short lived
though, because before too long the team gets called away as a result of the
villain of the week. This week, the villains are a group of thugs who have
found an ancient Asgardian war staff and are using it to cause chaos all over
This episode belongs to Ward, not saying there are not
important moments for the rest of the team but Ward really got to shine here.
The war staff unlocks the rage of whoever touches it on their skin; think a
minor case of hulking out. To do this it causes the user to relive their
darkest memory over and over. For Ward this memory was something he had tried
to lock away, something related to his childhood. We get glimpses of the memory
throughout the episode, but only towards the end when we find out the entire
story do we see why Ward locked it away. As a kid, Ward was forced to watch as
his brother struggled at the bottom of a well. Despite wanting to lower a rope
down to him, he was “prevented” by some older mystery child. Ward clearly has
struggled with this sense of failure his entire life. It was this failure to
protect his brother that has set him to become the man he is today, a man that
must always protect those around him, regardless of the personal cost.
Ward wasn’t the only member of the Team to come into contact
with the staff, Agent May did as well, and the difference between the two could
not have been bigger. Since Ward locked away the memory in order to be a better
field agent, the memory caused him to loose his composure and balance. Agent
May on the other hand never locked away whatever memory was her darkest moment,
instead she came to peace with it and conquered it. Her conquering of her past
doesn’t make it any easier for her; it just doesn’t control her the same way
that Ward was controlled. Another difference was Ward accidently touched the
staff, while May knew what needed to be done for the good of the team and
intentionally grabbed it. Of course this gave us a super charged Melinda May
that proceeded to kick all kinds of ass, which is always a good thing.
The twist of the episode came from Coulson’s go to expert in
all things Asgardian, Professor Elliot Randolph. The Professor was being less
than honest with the Agents and in a ballsy move to call him out on it, it is
revealed that Professor Randolph is actually an Asgardian. Of course Coulson’s
way to call him out was to have Ward try and stab him, which was awesome by the
way. Coulson, the team, and now the Professor are racing to beat the crazy anarchist
gang to the last part of the staff. Both sides meet up and the final battle is
actually pretty dang fun to watch. Ward rages out and takes down most of the
gang before the staff overwhelms him. That is when May steps in and just acts
because she knows what needs to be done, and that is kicking ass.
‘Agents of SHIELD’ has really come together as one of my top
shows to watch every week. We are done with the cliché team building episodes,
and beating the audience over the head with the episodes plot points. The show
just seems to naturally evolve and the characters are fitting into their roles
in a more relaxed way, nothing feels forced anymore. If you have passed on
‘Agents’ or never started, you need to join the team and start watching, you
won’t be disappointed.
Good Nerd: Thumbs Up
The Bad Nerd
Well, well, well. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Last night was
the premiere of the highly anticipated Thor 2 tie-in. And while the hype
machine was out in full force for weeks, the episode lacked any real tie-in
beyond a glancing reference to the events in London. Yes, it was about an
Asgardian. And, yes, it started in London, but it had nothing to do with the
story, characters, or Dark Elves of Thor 2. So, that was all a lie. But before
my NerdRage could reach a Berserker-level stage, they did something even better
than what they hyped. They started digging into the Marvel Universe and Agent
Coulson’s mysterious healing. And that’s no hype.

Also, can they stop teasing Melinda May’s past already? And
by teasing I mean not saying more than she has one. We get it. Something dark
and terrible happened to her. But until you’re really ready to dive in to it,
just let her be a badass combatant. Because I’m not really all that interested
in seeing her hook up with Ward. They don’t build up their chemistry at all.
So, if it did happen, it would just be sex. So, what does it service to have
them do it for the story at large besides a bi-line in the next episode? I
think this would’ve a prime opportunity to tell her story more than Ward’s, as
hers is the one they’ve been teasing.

And on that Nerdsplosion, I leave you with your
Coulsonspiracies. Because while it’s true that Coulson lives, it’s not clear as
to how. Magic? LMD? Answering this question would be the best Christmas gift
ever. #miracleshappen
Bad Nerd: Thumbs Up
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