Mid Week Shenanigans
This week we have a few things to get you ready for Halloween, and a few things to just make you laugh. Welcome back and enjoy our mid week shenanigans!
Star Wars Episode VII
Bedtime with GWAR
Be Careful when you Skype!
It is time to Groove!
Time to lighten to mood after all of that and there is no better way than with the sole provider of the nerdy soundtrack to my life, Smooth McGroove. Smooth (may I call you that?) is a musical genius. I dare go so far as to call him an acapella Wizard. Hearing him belt out the classic video game sound tracks will take you back to when you were playing the game yourself and plaster a smile on your face. His latest musical acheivement comes from Final Fantasy 7, enjoy and subscribe!
Enough is Enough!
Finally I am only posting this because it happened and we need to stop it. The internet likes to parody things, 'It Is Known'. Sometimes though it goes on too long and gets out of control. We have reached that point with the Miley Cyrus wrecking ball video, the meme's need to stop. I am by no means a fan of whatever that is flopping around out in public pretending to be Miley Cyrus, but in this specific case we reached that breaking point. What was that point you ask? Betty White has parodied Miley's wrecking ball bit. Maybe you are okay with this, maybe you even think it is funny. My point is that when Betty White finally starts taking pot shots at anything, it is time to move on. By all means keep making fun of Miley, but just find something new she has done, it can't be that hard can it? The phrase beating a dead horse comes to mind, but since I am declaring the line to be Betty White we should probably change it. How about, "that video is old, it just got Betty White'd". Is that Age-ist? Eh, who cares. Here is the video:
Hope you enjoyed our Shenanigans, we will be back with more next week!
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