The Weekly Comic Round Up
Supergirl Rebirth - Like the Superman comics since Rebirth started, Supergirl picks up after the death of this universe's Superman. We find Supergirl dealing with the loss of her powers with the help of the DEO. A Straight forward plan, shoot Supergirl straight at the sun using a ship powered by a Phantom drive, seems simple enough. Since other ever goes as planned the launch rips open a hole to the phantom zone allowing a Phantom Zone prisoner to escape. Of course this prisoner has a history with Kara's parents and just to make things extra special he can turn into a Kryptonian werewolf. This comic was nuts from issue 1 and I have to say that it was unexpected and awesome.
Batgirl Birds of Prey #1 - Batgirl is being hounded by someone using her old code name Oracle. Teaming up with Black Canary and reluctantly the Huntress, Batgirl must find the imposter while trying to keep her team mates amor killing each other. What I love about this book is that the team actually has a mystery to solve, unlike the war that is happening in Detective Comics. DOn't get me wrong, I love the current story line in Detective Comics, but it is nice to actually see someone in the Bat family do some detective work.
Harley Quinn #2 - I am new to the Harley Quinn world in this form and I can honestly say I have no idea what is going on. Zombie like things are rampaging in the street (Humans that ate strange shapeshifting alien meat accidentally), a deadpool knock off flying through the sky towards a hospital with his arm in an ice chest, and a montage of Harley just going wild killing these things before she figures out if they can be cured. The entire thing is stupid fun and I love it.
Suicide Squad #1 - Right away I will say this, the Suicide Squad is put together to steal something! This is what the squad should be doing, not battling ancient demons that are moments away from destroying the world. Amanda Waller puts together a team (yes it is the movie team) and there is no screwing around. If you weren't happy with how the movie turned out, keep your eye on this series. I feel like this will help show what the Suicide Squad was supposed to be.
Batman #5 - This is the climactic end of the Gotham and Gotham Girl story (save for the epilogue next issue) and things escalate quickly. We learn the nature of Gotham's powers and how they work and what it takes to stop him. This was a good series and a great way to start Batman after Rebirth.

Civil War II: The Fallen - This picks up right where the Accused ended, but instead with the funeral of the Hulk. This is an amazing thing to read! It was a beautiful tribute to the Hulk and even in the reading of his will respect and honesty were shown to the character.
Amazing Spider-Man Civil War II (3 of 4) - This felt like a regular old Amazing Spider-man comic. The kind that I used to read before every week was a crossover event. It was comfortable but didn't add too much to the Civil War Storyline that is happening. So a good Spider-man issue, but a weak Civil War tie in.
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