The Legend of Wonder Woman #1 Review
by Bryan Scheidler
This week is a big week for comic releases, it seems everyone wants to start the year off with something big. However, the surprise hit for me and what promises to be hands down one of the best mini-series of 2016 is the new Wonder Woman from DC, the Legend of Wonder Woman. This series is the work of an amazing team, written and illustrated by Renae De Liz with inks, colors and letters by Ray Dillon, everything about their work just feels natural.
The first issue primarily focuses on the beginnings of the Amazons with only a quick introduction to Diana/Wonder Woman at the end. My first reaction to this was surprise, surprise at how much thought and detail is given to the Amazons, and Themyscira, and Hippolyte (Diana’s mother). In a way this first issue has a very historically poetic feel to it. Imagine your reading the Odyssey or the Illiad, but in reality it is the tale of Wonder Woman and the Amazons. Renae De Liz’s take on this origin and this world has a natural flow to it. It never feels rushed, like she is just trying to get this part of the story out of the way so she can get to the parts focusing on Wonder Woman. On the contrary she gives plenty of time to this section re-enforcing the importance of the world that Wonder Woman was from and how it would shape her future actions.

This book really is for every comic fan out there whether you are a long time Wonder Woman fan or not. It is an excellently told and visually stunning story that really gives the reader a deeper understanding of the world Wonder Woman comes from. This is a series that will be at the top of my own must read list for the duration of its run. Of course if you can’t wait to get your hands on a physical copy of the comic, the entire story is available as a Digital First Comic
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