by Bryan Scheidler
Lets say the nerd in your life isn't in to toys or they have enough Funko to sink a ship, what else can you surprise them with this Holiday season? More things that every nerd can never had enough of are books, comics, and movies. These gifts are all things that can be enjoyed at home or on the road (say on the way to a certain convention in San Diego this summer).
1. Justice League Blu-Ray Box Set
Here it is, the standard by which all other Justice League adaptations will be measured. DC's Justice League (Unlimited) is considered one of the best super hero cartoons ever made. Probably only second to Batman: The Animated Series, which is the show that established this version of the DC universe in the first place. See DC's greatest heroes and an army of heroes and villains you have never heard of before all in one glorious place!
Justice League Unlimited: The Complete Series [Blu-ray]
2. DC Novels and Blu-Ray Box set
What is better than having an amazing box set of Animated Comic book movies? How about getting those movies and also the original stories they are based on. DC has put together and amazing gift box here. For the Batman, Superman, or Wonder Woman fan in your life this is a great option that hits gives in multiple ways.
DC Graphic Novel and DCU MFV Uber Collection (BD/DVD) [Blu-ray]
3. Dark Knight III Graphic Novel
One of the most iconic Batman series returns with its third and Final installment. The Dark Knight series was an inspiration for the upcoming Batman v. Superman and the man behind it Frank Miller is back. The third chapter is called the Master Race and forces Batman to once again save the day, this time from "the Master Race".
Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1 (Walter Simonson Phantom Variant)
4. Marvel MCU Phase 2 Box Set
All of the Marvel films in Phase 2 plus extras plus the amazing case from Guardians of the Galaxy! Do I really need to go into why this is an amazing gift?
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase 2 Collection (Amazon Exclusive) [Blu-ray]
5. Neil Gaiman's Hard Cover Sandman Overture
Neil Gaiman is one of a kind. His stories and creations are so rich and deep that every page is full of meaning. It doesn't matter if you are reading his comics or his novels, he will leave an impact on you overtime.,The Sandman Overture is a perfect example of this. If you are looking for something to truly shake up the imagination of the nerd on your list, this is the gift you are looking for.
The Sandman: Overture Deluxe Edition
6. Ready Player One
Are you ready for a novel that hits all your nerdy nostalgia buttons at once? Ready Player One is for the video game fan who remembers the good old days. Also this book is currently in pre-production to be filmed by Spielberg so now is a perfect time to get a glimpse into what is sure to be an amazing film adaptation.
Ready Player One
7. Marvel's Infinity Gauntlet Omnibus
Marvel Studios has been carefully setting the scene for their upcoming two part finale, the Infinity War. Before that time comes, find out how this entire thing started with the Infinity Gauntlet Omnibus from Marvel Comics. See the greatest characters from Marvel comics gather to do battle with Thanos the Mad Titan after he obtains all the infinity stones and god-hood! This is something the Comics fan will read over and over, trust me, I do!
Infinity Gauntlet Omnibus
8. Classic Nerdy Box Set
What is Christmas with out movies, and currently you can get the complete box sets of some of the greatest, nerdiest movies ever! Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Adventure? Whatever your nerd is into there is a movie series for them.
Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Episodes I-VI) [Blu-ray]
Back to the Future 30th Anniversary Trilogy [Blu-ray]
Harry Potter: The Complete 8-Film Collection [Blu-ray]
9. Comixology Gift Cards
Comics are always a big winner in my book, but sometimes you just aren't sure what to get. That is where Comixology comes in. Comixology is the digital comic app that lets you take your comics with you everywhere. The app itself is free, so why not get their comixology collection started with a gift card. Nothing says I love you like some free comics.
Comixology Gift cards
10. Marvel Digital Unlimited Subscription
Speaking of free comics, how about giving them nearly every comic Marvel has? Marvel's Digital Unlimited subscription service is a must have for any Marvel fan. weekly updates of new and classic comics along with a library that would takes years to completely read, MDU is an invaluable resource for Marvel nerds everywhere!
Marvel Digital Unlimited
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