Psych: The Shipping Report
by Adrea Scheidler

Psych, a tv buddy detective comedy with James Roday and Dule Hill has one of my all time favorite ships: Roday’s Shawn Spencer and Maggie Lawson’s Juliet O’Hara. In contrast to my post about Castle, there was a legitimate obstacle in this relationship: Shawn was pretending to be psychic and the closer he was to Juliet the more at risk his secret was and telling her the secret too early could have hurt her career.
What they did right? They didn’t over do it. It’s a tv show and they are male and female of a similar age - so of course there was going to be the possibility, so they used that first. So, amongst flirting with and dating other people, Shawn continually shows attention to Juliet until finally it becomes clear that they like each other specifically, not just because they happen to be near each other alot. In any given episode you might only catch a look, maybe a flirtation and everyone once in awhile a glimpse of something deeper.

There was a pivotal scene where Shawn was going to act as bait to catch a killer and Juliet grabs the costume he wants to wear because she’s the actual police officer and if anyone is going to do it, she should. It shows, for one of the first times, that she trusts his instinct - a big moment for him. But instead of basking in that, he panics for a second at the idea that she will be taking his place in danger.
Definitely worth putting on a Shipper’s to-binge list, especially for the lighter, happier feel of it.
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