From Padiwan to Jedi Knight,
Your Jedi Training Starts Now!

The 2015 Star Wars Celebration is nearly upon us and You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy! Wait I mean you will never find a more amazing collection of everything Star Wars related. Star Wars Celebration will have it all; amazing guests, panels, costumes, events, and the best Star Wars Merchandise a scruffy look'n nerf herder could ask for. Included among those selling that sweet sweet merchandise is the source of all great Jedi, Uncle Milton. Uncle Milton has a ton of Star Wars toys under their Star Wars Science line. By far the coolest one of them all is their Star Wars: The Force Trainer II: Hologram Images. It’s a MUST see! You use the power of your brain waves (seriously) to move hologram images based on the Star Wars movies. Just like a real Jedi! The Force Trainer II doesn't come out until this fall so make sure and swing by Uncle Milton's to get an exclusive early demo of it and put your force powers to the test!

Are you doubting your current strength in the force? Then maybe you need to do a little training!Uncle Milton will be bringing the popular artificial intelligence game of knowledge, 20Q®, into the world of Star Wars with the Jedi Holocron. Holocrons are artifacts that hold an indeterminable amount of knowledge, so what better way to bring the Holocron into our world, than with 20Q®. Even better, Star Wars™ fans can be part of the creation of this new Star Wars™ Science Jedi Holocron! Star Wars fans are encouraged to visit and start playing the game! Think of any being, location, or technology based on all 6 Star Wars movies and TV series and 20Q® will try and guess what you're thinking. See if you can outsmart the Jedi Holocron! The more times you play, the smarter the artificial intelligence of the Jedi Holocron will become. Look for the Star Wars Science Jedi Holocron on store shelves beginning in Fall, 2015.
Uncle Milton's Star Wars Science Toys
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