by Adrea Scheidler
ALLLLright, I watched the iZombie premiere and let me just tell you right now: I think we have a seriously great show here.
iZombie is a juxtaposition of two popular premises: cop show and zombie apocalypse... with a sprinkling of what I hope is a winning addition of good female lead.

There are a hundred ways that this could fail - especially in the pilot where you have to give the audience as much and as little as possible in a scant 41 minutes. But at every turn, this pilot delivers. We have a short but completely adequate glimpse into our main character’s (Olivia Moore played by Rose McIver) pre-zombie life. To be honest, that two minute glimpse into Liv’s life pre-zombification was the least attractive part of the show or character to me. Then, almost immediately, we jump straight into 5 months after Liv’s “death” to learn how her sudden change in health status has affected her.

I found myself caring very much about her relationships set up just in this first episode - all of which can develop for years without even trying very hard. There is not one conversation that could solve anything therefore she doesn’t look like an idiot for losing the relationships she valued before that fateful night where she was changed. All the supporting characters and their varying reactions to the new Liv are distinct and believable: roommate, ex-fiance, mother, brother, boss, and partner - I like them all and I really can’t wait to see where it all goes.

iZombie is a show that I can like as the romantic that I am that doesn’t insult me by putting that romance as above all else. Yes, I love love. But Liv had so much more than just a promising relationship taken from her. There are deeper questions than “who am I going to date” when one becomes a member of the undead. This is that type of show I’m always looking for - that takes itself seriously - but not TOO seriously. Life is silly as often as it is serious, as is this show.
Note for you zombie fans out there: This is not The Walking Dead, World War Z type zombie stuff - not yet anyway. In iZombie we have a Blade type situation where we are on the brink of the Zombie Apocalypse, not in the middle of it. And we have a “good” zombie fighting both for her rights to live a productive life and also to keep our world from falling into the zombie abyss.
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