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Legend of the Red Reaper Live Streaming Preview event!

Need Some Sword Play this Weekend?

Then don't Miss this...

The Legend of the Red Reaper Live Streaming Preview event!

This Sunday, February 23 at 4:00pm (PST) catch the Live HD Streaming event in all its sword wielding glory! Plus get a special Q and A time with some of the awesome people involved in the film. Which awesome people you ask, how about:

Creator & Star Tara Cardinal 
Legendary Comic Book Artist George Perez 
Singer/ Songwriter Shayne Leighton 
and More!!!

Now that I have your attention, you and your whole clan can watch this event with the small purchase of a single magic ticket! For $8 you get all the sexy sword battles you can handle.

To wet your appetite, how about a little teaser to get you in the mood.

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  1. a film form 1970 with 1950 b-movie acting and script VERY disapointed
