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Good Nerd Bad Nerd Episode 10 The Fallout - Show Notes

The Fallout!

This week on Good Nerd Bad Nerd we deal with Comic Con's fallout! Last week some major news dropped that got everyone very excited. However, when we stopped and thought about what they said we got a little worried. This week we tell you what was said, and why that is giving some nerds pause for the upcoming films!

Batman Drawn Blind!

Before we get down to business we can't let this gem from comic con slip by. Due to the prodding of Olly Moss, we have a ton of drawings done by industry pros of Batman. The catch is, all of these were done with their eyes closed! Some of these are pretty amazing, and some are not. Make sure to check it out! Check out the rest of them HERE.

New from around the Nerd!

I wasn't sure how to break the news down for you this week since the two films we discussed are getting mixed emotions from us, so I will lay it out for you and let you decide!

Man of Steel 2: Batman vs. Superman

This movie could possibly be a huge deal for DC in their drive for a Justice League movie. In fact if this movie fails it will be another superman/batman reboot before we get there! But the way it was explained at comic con has us a little worried. They are going to Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns for "Inspiration". We don't know what this means and they were very clear this wasn't an adaptation. Does this make you happy? Are you a fan of Frank Miller's work on Batman? Tell us what you think and let us know if our fears are misplaced.

Some Links to look at for more on this:

Avengers 2: Age of Ultron

The second one that has nerds worried is the sequel to possibly the greatest super hero team up movie ever. I was tempted to say Greatest Super Hero film ever, but that isn't what we are debating right now. Joss Whedon came out and said that Ultron was the villain, but that they didn't need Hank Pym in order to get to him. We will explain why this is concerning to some nerds below, but how did this announcement hit you? Good, Bad, don't care? Oh and this has nothing to do with the recent Marvel cross over event that was also titled Age of Ultron.

The Wolverine: the Man, The Legend

Wolverine has got to be one of Marvel's flagship characters in the comic books and on film. He has been a major player and very popular since he was introduced back in Hulk #180

Wolverine's history could fill more pages than you could read in a day and it would probably be changed before you finished reading it. That being said, it is important to try and understand who this character is and why he is so cool and so loved. We do our very very best (not actually our best) to give you a taste of who this man is but don't come close to clawing past the surface (claw jokes, HA) For a good break down, make sure and check out the wikipedia article, HERE. Also be sure to check out this link that has the full wardrobe of Wolverine and when he wore them!

And since Bless brings it up, here is Old Man Logan!

The Hank Pym/Ultron Problem

Did Hank Pym come before Ultron or can Ultron come first? Okay so since trying to sound deep about this doesn't work, how about we figure out just how important Hank Pym is to Ultron. Hank Pym is originally the creator of Ultron and we wanted to try and figure out if Joss Whedon was crazy for trying to by pass Dr. Pym or if Dr. Pym is crazy enough to pass over. I am not even going to try and explain all of Hank Pym and Ultron here so you should probably listen to our break down and read the wikipedia article HERE for all the details.

After you get all the juicy details, let us know what you think. Can Joss skip over Ant-Man? or is he causing trouble in Nerdom that he will regret.  For the super quick story on who Hank Pym is, Check out this web comic by Lets Be Friends Again!

A quick clip of crazy Hank Pym from Earth's Mightiest Heroes

And the part you have all been waiting for!


This week we battle the kings of fallout and toxicity! The champions of the waste who fight for justice or survival!

The Toxic Avenger


The Vault-Tech Bobbleheads

Thanks for sticking with us this week folks, we know there was a lot of info but we think you are better people now that you know it!  Remember, tell you friends, and don't forget to comment!
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